Just for Fun, Reading Challenge

Tag: The Book Addiction Tag

I was’t tagged by anyone to do the Book Addiction Tag. But I was inspired to do it after reading The Bibliophagist post on the Book Addiction Tag.

What is the longest amount of time you can comfortably go without picking up a book?

I can only usually go a day without reading. I feel lost and find it hard to settle if I don’t read one of my books.

How many books do you carry on your person (or kindle) at any one time?

My Kindle is always with me, I’ve recently had to off load some book as I had well over 1000. So now its down to 723.

Do you keep every book you buy/receive or are you happy to pass them on to make space for more?

I Keep most of my books but, every now and then I have a purge and pass them on to charity.

How long would you spend in a bookshop on a standard visit?

On a standard visit I could easily spend a full afternoon in a book store. I just find it so hard to leave them. There is something so magical about a book store, all the colours, pictures and the smell of the books.

How much time per day do you actually spend reading?

I spend at least 2 hours every day reading.

Where does the task ‘picking up a book’ appear on your daily to-do list?

It’s usually on my list for bedtime. I read in bed every night.

How many books do you reckon you own in total (including e-books)?

I probably have about 1000 traditional books and about 2000 on my Kindle and E Reader.

Approximately how often do you bring up books in conversation?

Not very often most of the people I know don’t read.

What is the biggest book (page count) you have finished reading?

Chances by Jackie Collins 801 pages.

Is there a book you had to get your hands on against all odds i.e searching bookshops, online digging etc?

Not that I can think of offhand.

A book you struggled to finish but refused to DNF?

Omniverse: Book 1 of the Omniverse Chronicals by William Grace. My Review: Here

What are 3 of your main book goals for 2019?

1: To read more than my 80 book challenge I pledged on GoodReads.

2. To write as many reviews as I can.

3. To try and stop purchasing so many books. As I find it hard to not purchase books that are a bargain.

Have you ever had the privilege of converting someone into a reader (maybe via inspiration or incessant

No I don’t think so, but I have managed to interest some people to reading certain books.

Describe what books mean to you in five words.

Escapism, imagination, enjoyment, Love & Laughter.

I’m not going to Tag anyone, but if you like this post feel free to do your own and I would be so pleased if you tagged me in, so I can compare our answers.

3 thoughts on “Tag: The Book Addiction Tag”

  1. Wow, that’s quite the Questionaire. #1-1and a notebook. #2-keep every book (are you crazy😛) #3-i live in the middle of nowhere USA Amazon is my bookstore (hours on end) Book Goals, =44 books to read, write 1 book this year for the next 5 years, and never stop buying , 2 books adsy. 😪😫 I have a problem. These books give me a chance to escape, laugh, cry, and an opportunity to learn the craft

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